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The Winter League has undergone something of a refresh. We have been shooting the previous format for a number of years because it was dependent upon the way we as a club managed indoor records and handicaps. The great work our records officer (Bob Hughes) has done to transfer all of our club recording to a cloud based system with Golden Records means the league can now stand alone. So the possibilities are endless and this year we are piloting some new rounds and different methods of accruing league points. Details of the scheme for this year (including the schedule) can be found here
We have now completed the handicap setting phase and have shot three points-earning rounds. Take a look at the current standings to see who is at the top of the table. Don't worry if you are not listed yet, it's never too late to join. Any club member can turn up to an indoor session and start submitting scores to be added to the league unless they ask not to be. Standings after each round will be posted here.
If you don't want to be part of the league that's fine, don't let it stop you from joining us to shoot. You can come along and submit scores without joining the league, or simply come and do some practice. On league nights we will be dedicating at least two lanes for non-league archers to practice on 60cm targets.
One thing that has not changed is that we will be awarding trophy shields to the divisional winners at the Club AGM in the last week of March along with the progress awards and the two coveted Junior/Senior GNAS medals for outdoor handicap improvement.
If you have any questions about the above please address them to the club Tournament Organiser (Jem Mason).
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'The Attack of the Killer Pumpkins'
There was panic in Sway today as hordes of genetically modified pumpkins rampaged across the countryside.
These pumpkins produced a reaction fatal to humans - extreme frustration.
Luckily, a roving band of non-human heroes, impervious to 'the pumpkin effect', was on hand to take them on.
The ensuing battle was epic in it's proportions but all acquitted themselves well and finally the foe was defeated.
The greatest warrior of the day was Oli Thomas, whose sharp-shooting skills proved particularly effective.
He was ably assisted by Stuart who was heard to say 'Oli, I am your Father', and Ian Mason who showed every sign of engaging ably with the darkside (barebow).
Huge thanks, as ever, to Jem Mason for the brilliant organisation and Field Captaining and to Ben Mason who helped with the target making. Looking up and down the line, people were laughing, dancing along to the music and whooping when hits were made. If the shoot's success were measured by 'size of grin' this one was an X (or, in keeping with the theme, a spider!)
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Sway Bowmen now have a spacious new home following the official opening of their clubhouse on Sunday 18th September.
The Club marked the occasion by combining it with their annual outdoor Championships. It proved an excellent way to celebrate the club’s recovery after the years where Covid disrupted shooting. The weather was excellent and there was a good turnout of archers, many of whom had only joined the club this year and for whom this was their first competition. The feeling of the day was very much one of greeting new friends and old, as former members came along to join in the opening event.
Club chairman, Simon Curtis, gave a brief history of the project and thanked those who had made charitable donations (Members, New Forest District Council and Sport England among others). The opening ceremony was then performed by the Deputy Mayor of Lymington, Simon Smith. The business of the day being concluded, everyone celebrated with a glass of bubbly and huge quantities of cake while the medal ceremony took place!
Photos courtesy of Steve Dance Photography and Oli Thomas.
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The Mushroom Shoot 2022 was a great success. The weather was kind, the organisation by Jem Mason as slick as ever, and the club members turned out in force to both shoot and run the support activities that make such a difference to the enjoyment of the day. Ian Mason (no relation) made a most able debut as a Mushroom shoot Field Captain and our dignitaries - Phil Collins as Judge and Rebecca Giddings as Lady Paramount - proved themselves both friendly and efficient. Jerry Branch and the field team were kept busy with running repairs required by the awesome accuracy of some of the archers present and the rest of us mere mortals were left marvelling at their skill. Sway held their own though and a particular mention should go to Adrian Jones as Longbow Archer Supreme and Ollie Thomas who was Junior Archer Supreme for the day. Could Sway be nurturing a future National Squad member???

All Photographs by kind permission of Steven Dance Photography.