On Sunday 11th December, eighteen archers gathered for our last indoor shoot of 2022. Although it looked and scored like a Portsmouth, it definitely felt like a Frostbite with a noticeable absence of heating in the Brockenhurst College Gym.

Despite the blue hands we managed to complete the round in a little over two hours.

Congratulations to Amanda Rios, Max Errington and Dave Errington who all overshot their handicap and captured some league points. Bonus league points were also awarded for the 'Best Gold' on each boss on ends 5 and 15.

The results (by adjusted score) were as follows

Portsmouth Result 11 12 2022

To see the current league standings click here

The next indoor session is a practice night on Tuesday January 10th. Remember, if you have missed a league night you can use this session as a catch-up opportunity.