'The Attack of the Killer Pumpkins'

 There was panic in Sway today as hordes of genetically modified pumpkins rampaged across the countryside. 

These pumpkins produced a reaction fatal to humans - extreme frustration.

Luckily, a roving band of non-human heroes, impervious to 'the pumpkin effect', was on hand to take them on.

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 The ensuing battle was epic in it's proportions but all acquitted themselves well and finally the foe was defeated. 

The greatest warrior of the day was Oli Thomas, whose sharp-shooting skills proved particularly effective.

He was ably assisted by Stuart who was heard to say 'Oli, I am your Father', and Ian Mason who showed every sign of engaging ably with the darkside (barebow).

 Huge thanks, as ever, to Jem Mason for the brilliant organisation and Field Captaining and to Ben Mason who helped with the target making. Looking up and down the line, people were laughing, dancing along to the music and whooping when hits were made. If the shoot's success were measured by 'size of grin' this one was an X (or, in keeping with the theme, a spider!)