Hello to All
Here's the latest information on our fundraising activities for the new Club House.
ALWAYS HAVE A LOOK at the website it shows where we're at:
At the recent committee meeting of the 1st April, the committee unanimously agreed to contribute £15,000 of club funds to the project - great news - it demonstrates the clubs commitment to the project.
The "Sponsor a Plank" scheme is now up and running - its available on the front page of our website and you can donate on line - don't forget to maximise your donation by using the gift aid option - remember any one can sponsor us - you, your family, your friends.
Don't forget Easyfunding - you only have to register the once and link yourself to Sway Bowmen. Thereafter, every time you go online to do some retail therapy, the retailer makes a small donation to our cause. Its simple and easy ( Ha Ha ) and it doesn't cost anything, but it adds to our funds! There are over 3500 retailers in this scheme. Remember to go through the easyfunding site each time to buy something
- Watch out for the next Archery GB edition we hope to have an article in there on our project.
- Watch out for the next edition of the Lymington Times, we will have more stuff in there.
- Watch the Thermometer on the website our funds are growing.
- Watch out for news from Sport England we should have an indication in mid May from them if they are interested in supporting our project.
But whatever you do, keep an eye on the website and newsletters this is where the information will be.