There are two sets of fees to be paid: Club fees and Affiliation fees. The Club fees cover Sway Bowmen membership and includes indoor and outdoor shooting. The Affiliation fees cover membership to ArcheryGB who are the governing body providing insurance cover and HAA and SCAS the county and regional societies.

A detailed breakdown of the fees can be found below and are summarised here:

Group SCAS/HAA Fee AGB Fee Club Fee Total
Senior 21+ £7.00 £60.00 £115.00 £182.00
Senior 18 - 20 £6.00 £20.00 £115.00 £141.00
Junior U18 £3.50 £20.00 £40.00 £63.50
Student 21+ £7.00 £60.00 £50.00 £117.00
Student 18 - 20 £6.00 £20.00 £50.00 £76.00
Archer with disability £0.00 £20.00 £115.00 £135.00
First child £3.50 £20.00 £17.00 £40.50
Second child £3.50 £20.00 £12.00 £35.50
Third child £3.50 £20.00 £5.00 £28.50

1. Sway Bowmen Membership Fees (2024-2025)

Until now the yearly club fees have been collected in March and the Affiliation fees (GNAS,HAA,SCAS) in September. After discussion and consideration by the committee and to reduce the level of administration required to manage subscription collection, it has been decided to align both payments for collection in September.

  • Club subscriptions now become due at the end of September.
  • The Club fees are £115 for seniors, Students £50, Juniors £40, Juniors with parent £17, £12 and £5.

To renew your club membership, pdfMembership Renewal Form and return it to the treasurer with your fees (see 'Ways to Pay' at the bottom of this page). You can also pay on-line, Click here for details

pdfApplication form for new members 

2. Affiliation Fees

The second part of your annual fees are paid to our governing body, Archery GB, (for insurance, monthly magazine etc) the Southern Counties Archery Society (SCAS), who look after archery in the south east, and the Hampshire Archery Association (HAA). These fees are also paid in September.



  Archery GB SCAS/HAA Total
Senior 21+ £60.00 £7.00 £67.00
Junior U21
£20.00 £3.50 £23.50
Archer with disability £20.00 £0.00 £20.00

Ways to pay

  • Directly to Club bank account  Sway Bowmen  Sort code 30 95 32  Account number  00265141
     If you do so please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and copy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let us know.
  • You can also pay on-line by credit card or PayPal on this website.  Click Here for details.
    If paying on-line the payments are split into those for AGB/HAA/SCAS and those for the Club so there will be two payments to make.
Please arrange your payment for AGB/SCAS/HAA fees to arrive with the treasurer BEFORE 20th September, this will give us time to properly complete all necessary paperwork for Archery GB and HAA
Please note because of insurance limitations you cannot shoot at either the Club or any other competitions after 1st October until your fees are paid.